The Official Website of the
Brentwood Subdivision

Learn about Brentwood
Meet your neighbors

Can't find owners
of a stray pet?

First, post it to the Brentwood Facebook groups to see if anyone is looking for the pet.

Animal Control of Wake County (Raleigh police) is 919-831-6311

Lost an animal? Or want to adopt a pet? Contact:

SPCA of Wake County 919-772-2326

Found an injured
wild animal?

Call 919-781-5145: After Hours Animal Emergency Clinic, 409 Vick Ave, (off Glenwood Avenue near the Beltine) Raleigh. (No cost to you for wild animals; they do accept donations.)

To report wildlife violations: Call 919-707-0040, NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Brentwood is a
great place
to raise kids.
No kids? Empty Nest? Adopt!




Convenient Brentwood - video shows how incredibly convenient Brentwood is to everything you need.

Springtime in Brentwood - a slide show of a beautiful April Day in Brentwood.

Beautiful Brentwood - a short video highlighting views of Brentwood from residents.

Relaxation: April in Brentwood Stressed? This may help.


Brentwood Garden Club:
Winter Gardening in Raleigh, North Carolina


Brentwood Luminaria Project - the history of the luminaria project in Brentwood.


Brentwood Rocks - short video encouraging volunteerism.

Brentwood entrance gardens have been maintained through donations and volunteer time. Here is some history:

Bonus video:

Public Service Announcement: What Not to Flush - Save plumbing costs and reduce city taxes by knowing what should and what should not go down the toilet.


Looking for a good plumber?
Lost your dog?
Want to know what's going on in the neighborhood?

There are a variety of ways to connect with your Brentwood neighbors:

Brentwood Residents Facebook Group
For current and former residents. Go to:
Brentwood Residents

Brentwood site at
For current residents. Go to:

Raleigh District B Facebook Page
Brentwood is in District B in the city of Raleigh. If you live in Raleigh, learn more about local politics by joining the City of Raleigh Politics group:

Get involved

Brentwood Neighborhood Association (BNA)
Non-profit, tax-exempt community organization. No dues; depends on volunteers and financial contributions from residents and business managers in the area. Promotes communication; lobbies local government to benefit Brentwood; includes Garden Committee. 


Brentwood Luminaria Project
An annual Brentwood tradition since the 1960's. See this video for its history and watch for this year's effort on the "Brentwood Residents" Facebook page.




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